British Home Child Information Sheet
BHC Registry ID #: 70540Name & Birth
Surname: JONESGiven Names: John Thomas
Born: 1897Gender:Male
Born at:England
Surname Adopted: A.K.A. Surnames:
Given Names Adopted: A.K.A. Given Names:
Died: Age at death:
Died at:
Cemetery Location:
Cemetery Plot: Find-A-Grave ID:
Sending or Escorting Organization: Middlemore
Canadian Distribution Home Name/Address: Fairview Home, Halifax
Age at Emigration: 11 Ship Sailed: Carthaginian
Departure Date: 16 May 1908 Port of Departure: Liverpool
Arrival Date: 28 May 1908 Port of Arrival: Halifax
UK Boys/Girls Home Name/Address:
UK Workhouse/Union Name/Address:
Start Date End Date Placed With / Indentured To Placement Location
Surname Given Name
Year Country Prov/State Address, City Head of Household Relationship to Head
Surname: Given Names:
Born: Born at:
Died: Died at:
Married: Married at:
Biological Parents
Biological Father
Surname: Given Names:
Born: Born at:
Died: Died at:
Biological Mother
Surname: Given Names:
Born: Born at:
Died: Died at:
Biological Parents' Marriage Details
Married: Married at:
BHC ID Surname Given Names
BHC ID Surname Given Names
Military Service
War: WW1
Country Served: ServedService Number:
Regiment: Rank:
Attestation Date: Attested at:
Next of Kin: NoK Relationship:
Next of Kin Address:
Sources and Notes
In LAC BHC Index (travel) as John T JONES, age 11

NOTE: Two boys with same name on this voyage: John JONES, age 12; and John T JONES, age 11 (confirmed on original inbound passenger list)

Middlemore Children's Emigration Homes, Application Book: John Thomas JONES - Age: 11 - Date of Document on which the age was recorded: 1907-05-08 - Address in United Kingdom: Lodging - Birmingham St., Dudley - Guardian: Joseph Merchant JONES - Date of Application: 1907-03-11 --- Source: Library and Archives Canada - Database Item Number: 171512

Middlemore Children's Emigration Homes, Settlement and reports of children sent to Canada: John Thomas JONES - Age: 12 - Date of Document on which the age was recorded: 1908-05-08 - Date of Departure: 1908-00-00 - Guardian: J. Arthur POLLOCK - Place of First Settlement: Cloverhill, Kings Co, New Brunswick - Notes: 2nd placement: Moses SHERWOOD, Poodiac, Kings Co, NB . . . 3rd: Archie L. CREALOCK, Pearsonville, Kings Co, NB . . . 4th: Mrs Mary MORRISON, Sussex, Kings Co, NB . . . Has enlisted by 1914 --- Source: Library and Archives Canada - Database Item Number: 165729

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