British Home Child Information Sheet
BHC Registry ID #: 46699Name & Birth
Surname: CRUTTENDENGiven Names: Eva
Born: 1891Gender:Female
Born at:Maidstone, Kent, England
Surname Adopted: A.K.A. Surnames:CRATTENDEN
Given Names Adopted: A.K.A. Given Names:
Died: Age at death:
Died at:
Cemetery Location:
Cemetery Plot: Find-A-Grave ID:
Sending or Escorting Organization: Barnardo's
Canadian Distribution Home Name/Address: Hazelbrae, Peterborough
Age at Emigration: 11 Ship Sailed: Dominion
Departure Date: 23 September 1903 Port of Departure: Liverpool
Arrival Date: 02 October 1903 Port of Arrival: Quebec
UK Boys/Girls Home Name/Address:
UK Workhouse/Union Name/Address:
Start Date End Date Placed With / Indentured To Placement Location
Surname Given Name
Year Country Prov/State Address, City Head of Household Relationship to Head
Surname: Given Names:
Born: Born at:
Died: Died at:
Married: Married at:
Biological Parents
Biological Father
Surname: CRUTTENDON Given Names: Robert
Born: 1844Born at:Maidstone, Kent, England
Died: 1894Died at:Maidstone, Kent, England
Biological Mother
Surname: WHITE Given Names: Caroline Amelia
Born: 1852Born at:Maidstone, Kent, England
Died: Died at:
Biological Parents' Marriage Details
Married: Married at:
BHC ID Surname Given Names
BHC ID Surname Given Names
Sources and Notes
In LAC BHC Index (travel) as Eva CRATTENDEN, age 11

UK GRO Birth Registration Index: Eva CRUTTENDEN - Mother's Maiden Surname: WHITE - Registration Year: 1891 - Registration Quarter: Jul-Aug-Sep - Registration District: Maidstone - Inferred County: Kent - Volume: 2a - Page: 737

NOTE: The BHCARA is in possession of this child's emigrattion travel trunk, which was provided by the sending agency to transport the child's belongings to Canada.

Disclaimer: This BHC Registry is a work in progress; information may be added or amended in the future. This record should be considered a tertiary source and verified against original records. We have compiled a collection of links to free research sources which may assist you.